Have you ever been enticed by a commercial filled with astounding testimonials? A dozen women claim weight loss miracles. A “paid legal spokesperson” shares a gripping tail of financial compensation. An investment firm parades a long line of millionaires before your eyes. A work from home business coach has a room full of students pull out eye-popping checks. At this point, I’m not only enticed I am hooked and ready to grab my check book. But, then, inevitably, the commercial concludes with these reality-recalling words, “Individual results may vary; the results of those in this advertisement may not be typical.” Suddenly I’m putting the checkbook back in the drawer. Sure a given diet program may work for some people, but why would I buy into a program that may not work well for me? Sure a particular lawyer may get some great verdicts, but what if I don’t have a case? Sure an investment firm may bring in some huge revenues for some big investors, buy why would I hand over my life savings for a remote possibility? A work from home enterprise could make a handsome income for a handful of people across the country, but why would I pony up a $500 start up fee for a dribble of extra income?
Maybe you have felt this way about Christianity and being a member of a church. You may have thought to yourself, “This Christianity thing just seems to work for certain people – those people who are naturally more spiritual or disciplined; but, it’s just not going to work for someone like me.” Maybe you regularly attend your local church, but, as you look at the well rounded family two rows ahead of you, it seems that Christianity just works better for a select few. You sing along and pay attention during worship services, but it is as if others Christians have more to sing about than you do.
Psalm 124 doesn’t allow us to nurture such self-pity. Every one of God’s people has the same reason to praise God with a song of thanksgiving – God saves his people. The saving grace of God is the same for all of God’s people rich or poor alike. The righteousness of Christ is equally bestowed on all of God’s people weak and strong alike. Eternal life is the same for all of God’s people popular and outcast alike. All who believe have the exact same motivation worship God. And, since, as believers, we all have the same reason to worship God, we have a motivation to worship God together in unity. Psalm 124 is a corporate song of thanksgiving that begins with one person declaring that the Lord is on our side. Then, suddenly, the psalmist turns the Psalm from a solo to a chorus so as to highlight the fact that worship is the corporate work of God’s people because all God’s people receive the same gift of salvation equally.
“If it had not been the LORD who was on our side –
let With the song leader’s invitation to the people of Israel , everyone joins in singing the Psalm:
“If it had not been the LORD who was on our side when people rose up against us, then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their anger was kindled against us; then the flood would have swept us away, the torrent would have gone over us; then over us would have gone the raging waters.” (vv. 2—5)
This language harkens the reader back to the Hebrew’s flight from the Egyptians and miraculous rescue as they crossed the Red Sea . God rescued his people from the vengeance of the Egyptians and the Pharoh by miraculously parting the Red Sea in order for them to pass through to safety, then, drowning the Egyptian army. This divine act of salvation was for all of the Hebrew people regardless of social standing, wealth, ability, talent, skills, age, gender, or religiosity. All the Hebrew people were led through the Red Sea – all were saved. So, all the people of Israel owe there very existence to the saving power of God; because God delivered his people through the Red Sea . Thus, every Israelite or Jew has a very real reason to join in and sing Psalm 124 no matter their social status. No one can opt of worship by claiming, “Hey God, I wish I had a reason to worship you with the rest of the people on their way to Jerusalem , but my crops just haven’t been great, ext . . .” Imagine a band of pilgrims made up of rich and poor, old and young, influential and seemingly insignificant, men and women, weak and strong, sick and well singing Psalm 124 in unison. When we say God saves, we clearly mean that he saves all his people equally with no strings attached.
Now, you may be thinking, “This is all well and good for Ancient Israelites who were tangibly rescued from a very real enemy, but my family is tearing itself apart and God hasn’t rescued me from the vicious biting worlds of my sister and brother-in-law.” Or, “I wish I could claim to have been rescued from my enemies, but the guy in the cubical next to me has been making daily life a living hell ever since I beat him out for a promotion.” Or, “I would praise God too if he led me through the Red Sea , but in reality I’m drowning in a sea of debt.” Whatever the case, there are things that plague our lives which keep us from seeing ourselves as having received God’s deliverance as the Hebrew people were delivered from Pharoh.
What is the solution? We need to see our lives in the context of eternal salvation. In the Hebrew context the Jews were harassed and pursued by the Egyptians after they were freed from slavery right up to the Red Sea . Ultimately, Egypt ’s derision couldn’t negate God’s deliverance. The same is true for us in Christ in the scope of eternity. For those of us who believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, God has delivered us bondage to sin and death. Yet, this does not mean that Satan, the world, and our very own flesh will not pursue us up to the point in which we pass through the grave into the riches of eternity. Now, with this perspective, all the things that pursue us in this live pale in comparison to the infinite joy of eternity. As Paul wrote, the sufferings of this world amount to nothing more than a “post momentary affliction.”
Debt can’t bankrupt the riches of glory.
Illness can’t terminate eternal life.
Family unrest can’t eliminate the peace of Christ.
Political strife can’t invade the New Jerusalem.
The thorns and briars of daily labor can’t spring up in on the New Earth.
If you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and that God the Father has raised him from the dead, then you will pass through the grave from death to life as the Hebrews passed through the Red Sea into fellowship with the LORD. Having been released from slavery what did the Jews do, they praised the Lord; therefore, “let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” Join the long historical chorus of God’s people who have sung these words:
“Blessed be the LORD, who has not given us as prey to their teeth! We have escaped like a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken and we have escaped! Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” (vv. 6—8)